Newly Published Journal Article
Maintaining the Many Societal Benefits of Rangelands: The Case of Hawaiʻi
This paper is authored by subject matter experts on culture, soil health, diversity, carbon sequestration, water, fire, and invasive species and outlines the benefits of well-managed rangelands. Ranchers play an important role in stewarding the land and ensuring that these ecosystem services benefit the community.
Hawaii Grass-fed Beef Quality Standards
A profile of local beef and framework for grading pasture-raised, grass-fed beef
The purpose of this project, funded by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, is to determine an initial framework for the quality standards to protect the integrity of Hawaii pasture-raised, grass-fed beef industry. The series of surveys is an initial audit and assessment of needs and is a critical first step in determining the basis for a grass-fed beef grading program.
Relevant Research
Keeping up to date with the latest research is necessary to guide Hawaii's cattle industry
Meat Quality and Tenderness
Improving Tenderness of Forage Finished Beef Using a Low-Voltage Electrical Stimulator
Improving Tenderness of Forage Finished Beef Using a Mechanical Tenderizer
Carcass Characteristics of Forage-Finished Cattle Produced in Hawaii
Carcass Traits and Tenderness of Hawaii Grass-fed Beef
Beef Marketing/Economics
Beef Consumer Attitudes in Kauai County
Pasture/Grazing Management and Grass-finish Production Zones
Foraging Behavior and Grazing Management Planning
Calculating Minimum Grazing Lease Rates for Hawaii
Stocking Rate: The most Important Tool in the Toolbox
Management of Production Risk for Hawaii Ranchers
Suitability Map for Forage-Finished Beef Production Using GIS Technology: Hawaii Island
Suitability Map for Forage-Finished Beef Production Using GIS Technology: Maui County
Suitability Map for Forage-Finished Beef Production Using GIS Technology: Kauai County