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John Kelekolio Kainoa

John Kelekolio Kainoa

Year Inducted: 2003

Kahua Ranch | Hawai'i
JK Ranch | Hawai'i

He eventually started a ranch of his own on homestead land, the JK Ranch, but “Johnny” Kainoa is claimed by Kahua as one of their own. Born and raised on Kahua Ranch, Johnny spent his professional life there. Starting at the age of eleven on the fence crew, he grew and learned from his father, Kahua cowboy, Peter Kainoa.

Throughout the years Johnny wore many hats, refining his reputation as a stockman and accomplished paniolo. But most of all, his ability to train horses was legendary, and many years after he was gone, horses at Kahua could still be found with his signature training. Gentle and well reined, Johnny’s horses were known for their versatility, as dependable on a wild cattle hunt as on a long, slow drive. Johnny also produced excellent, working cutting horses, valued for their ability to cut cows out of a herd on the open range or gate-cut calves at brandings.

Johnny’s natural ability with horses was not surprising. His lineage traces back to one of the first vaqueros who immigrated to the Big Island at the behest of Kamehameha, and his mother was the half-Hawaiian daughter of a Chilean horseman. While he was also of native Hawaiian ancestry, Johnny’s profile on a fine horse reflected that of a true caballero. His preference for black horses as his mounts, sporting white stockings and blazed faces, added to his striking appearance.

Memorable as that was, Johnny left his strongest imprint on his large and loving family. He and his wife Jennie and their ten children carved out their own ranch with their own hands. Today his children reflect on the ranch life and strong work ethic in their upbringing; and credit Johnny’s spirit of Aloha, discipline and paniolo lifestyle for their own successes in life.