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Thomas "Tommy" Kaniho

Thomas "Tommy" Kaniho

Year Inducted: 2007

Hawaiian Ranch Co. | Hawai'i

Tommy was born in Waiki`i, the son of famous Parker Ranch foreman William “Willie” Kaniho. Tommy was raised by his grandparents at Kahuku Ranch in Ka`u. At that time, Kahuku was part of Parker Ranch.

Tommy became a skilled and reliable working cowboy out in the tough country of Ka`u. He learned from his grandfather, Martin Martinsen, who was the Manager of Kahuku Ranch. He rode with Ka`u paniolo Henry Makuakane, Willie Mokeau, Nui Kane and the Akiu brothers, Charlie and Fidelis. They faced the daily challenges and dangers of hunting and catching the wild cattle, which led them across the unforgiving lava and into lurking tree holes. Many injuries were sustained and lives threatened in that rough Terrain. They worked from before sunup to sundown for $1.00 a day and 30 lbs. of poi a week.

When several ranches merged, forming Hawaiian Ranch Company, Tommy worked for the Company for 26 years, until it was sold to Parker Ranch. He then moved to Molokai where he worked for a couple of years for Del Monte as a heavy equipment operator, and then to O`ahu where he worked in artificial breeding for Meadow gold Dairy.

Tommy retired in 1990 at age 62, and came home to Ka`u where he started his own ranch on just 25 acres of Hawaiian Home Lands. Today he and his family run a 400 cow-calf operation on 1,800 acres at South Point.

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