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William E. Eby

William E. Eby

Year Inducted: 2001

Honolua Ranch | Maui
Nahiku Ranch | Maui
Erehwon Ranch | Maui

Bill Eby has been involved in the air-lifting of horses and cattle to and from Hawai`i for over 50 years and is responsible for introducing progressive bloodlines of cattle and horses to the islands. Born on Kaua`i and raised on Maui, Bill credits his early ranching experience to the Grove Ranch cowboys whom he was with all the time in his high school days. In 1942, Bill helped to gather and ship to Maui, all the cattle on Kahoolawe belonging to the Kahoolawe Ranch Company. The cattle were driven to pens along the shoreline, roped one by one and swum out to whale boats then hoisted aboard ship headed for Maui. The mares and colts that were being raised on the island were also being handled the same as the cattle. This was the only and accepted way of shipping livestock when there were no wharves to be used. Little did Bill know that these experiences were to become the foundation for a successful lifetime career in livestock transport for these islands. Bill also ran Honolua Ranch for 31 years and Nahiku Ranch for 10 years. Today he operates the Erehwon Ranch in Kula and his own ranch in Ha`iku.

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