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Yutaka Kimura

Yutaka Kimura

Year Inducted: 2001

Parker Ranch | Hawai'i

Yutaka was born and raised on the Big Island. When he was only 13 years old, he began his adventurous journey with the nationally recognized Parker Ranch, a hereford cattle ranch covering 225,000 acres. His contribution and accomplishments as general herdsman for Parker Ranch included his position as coordinator and director of cattle genetics and breeding. Through the guidance of A.W. Carter, Yutaka studied animal husbandry with specialists from Cornell University, Kansas State and the University of Hawai`i. He was instrumental in the improvement of the cattle operation by selecting replacement stock and establishing a sound and systematic breeding program. His foresight, insight and educated perspective made Yutaka indispensible to Parker Ranch for 49 years. He retired in 1962 and left his son, Charles to follow in his footsteps. At 96 years of age, Yutaka continues to inspire paniolo young and old.

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