This section contains resources for graziers. It includes information on forage quality, stocking rates, grazing systems, and many other resources to help you manage your grazing land ecosystems.
University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources information:
Weeds of Hawaii, a great link to “the green book” for weed identification and control/management aids
Foraging Behavior & Grazing Management
Lease Rate Calculations in Hawaii
An Assessment of Economic Feasibility for Energy-Enhanced Roughage as Cattle Feed
Grazing Behavior of Cattle in Relation to Shade & Temperature (1958)
Survey of Livestock in Hawaii (1929)
Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii Soils
Forestry & Agroforestry information
Forestry and Agroforestry Tree data
Native Plants for Hawaii’s Roadways
A Review of Mobile/Modular Slaughter and Processing Technology, FST-44 (2011)
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service information:
Grazing Lands Technical Resources Hawaii Vegetation Guide, without plant photos
Economics Worksheet: Animal Production and Income, developed by Loretta Metz & Carolyn Wong
Basics of Stockwater Pipelines, developed by Katy Greene
Library of NRCS East NTSC Webinars on Conservation and Grazing Topics
The Art of Communication, Conservation Planning on Grazing Lands
Invasive Plant Fact Sheets by NRCS:
- African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata)
- Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii)
- Blue trumpet vine (Thurnbergia grandiflora)
- Bronze-leaved clerodendron (Clerodendron quadriloculare)
- Candle bush (Senna alata)
- Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica)
- Cat’s claw (Caesalpinia decapetala)
- Christmas berry (Schinus terebinthifolius)
- Coral vine (Antigonon leptopus)
- Creeping ox-eye, aka “wedelia” (Sphagneticola trilobata)
- Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis)
- Fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum)
- Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis)
- Lantana (Lantana camara)
- Miconia (Miconia calvescens)
- Mile-a-minute weed (Mikania macrantha)
- Poison devil’s pepper (Rauvolfia vomitoria)
- Siam weed, aka “masigsig” (Chromolaena odorata)
- Silk oak (Grevillea robusta)
- Strawberry guava, aka “waiawi” (Psidium cattleainum)
- Sword grass (Miscanthus floridulus)
- Wild passion fruit (Passiflora suberosa)
Information from other partners/providers:
Tropical Forages (Australian website)
Foraging Behavior, Dr. Fred Provenza
Animal Nutrition Balancer, in cooperation with Texas A&M
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources
Hawaii Department of Forestry & Wildlife
Agroforestry Guides for the Pacific Islands
Ranch Management Consultants, Inc., providers of the Ranching For Profit School and other valuable tools.
Land EKG, private contractor with excellent resources for monitoring grazing land conditions
Effects of Supplementation on Voluntary Forage Intake, Diet Digestibility, and Animal Performance
Beef Cattle Body Condition Scoring, from Elanco Animal Health.
Goat Body Condition Scoring Video, by An Peischel and Roger Ingram, Univ of CA Extension.
How to Fail at Ranching Without Hardly Trying, a commentary by Oklahoma rancher Walt Davis.
Global Rangelands and Rangelands West provide excellent info/education materials for ranchers in Hawaii and around the globe.
Information for those interested in diversifying your grazing lands enterprise and products:
Hawaii Horticulture Blog, featuring horticultural information by Dr. Gregory Koob.